Various sections of media are covering PM Modi’s swachata or cleanliness programmes with great aplomb. On the other hand, the government is spending crores together on setting up gaushalas for cows. And at this time, two reports have been published that could mock the schemes listed above. One being, five people have died after getting into the sewer manhole in Chhattisgarh. Another news is that a there are no schools in 13,511 villages in the country. And Uttar Pradesh stands on top of the list of states without schools in the country. This information kind of mocks the whole interest Yogi Adityanath is showing in setting up cow shelters since the time he took over as CM.
Swacchata Andolan is not something new to this country. We have created castes to clean streets and drains in our country. And a particular community has been putting its life and future, at stake for the sake of cleanliness in the society. Mahatma Gandhi had stopped visiting these places after he was shocked at the level of unhygienic standards in temples and pilgrimages. He held a flag of freedom in one hand and broom in another. He saw that the toilets were reeking of filth in the first Congress meet and he began cleaning them up. He called upon everyone to take up tasks to ensure hygiene is maintained, by way of reaching out to broom, and this is an honourable thing.
He reiterated that this task isn’t a lowly job. He spoke the same way about Bhangis also. But unfortunately that turned into a controversy. Gandhiji had actually said that with the intention of conveying that their job or the need for hygiene is extremely noble one. Today, Narendra Modi is speaking of cleanliness just like Mahatma Gandhi. He is standing before the cameras for the sake of ‘cleanliness’. Though it has been three years since he launched the scheme, he is unable to explain the success of other works during his tenure. He has not been able to find out reasons for that either. All that cess collected for Swacchata Andolan, where is it going? Thousands of crores have been set aside to clean Ganga. The water is still not drinkable from that river. Has any Pourakarmika been able to see any improvement in his life in the last four years? All these issues will lead to disappointment.
Swacchata Aandolan can be a success only when the lives of Pourakarmikas improve, so as to enable them to do better work. None else other than politicians or officers who can make this scheme a success. Pourakarmikas have been cleaning the roads of this country since ages. They are the ones that are real and inseparable partners of swacchata andolana in our nation. While they are in this noble task, the government or the authorities have been refusing to pay them a decent wage for their work. The situation of Pourakarmikas having to demand their wage through a strike or a dharna is the hard reality of this country. The contract workers that work on cleaning streets of drains do not even get least safety gears such as gloves or proper dresses. They need to be supplied, at least once a month, with a new set of safety materials to safeguard themselves. Their health is to be cared for. If a swacchata andolan is taken up without all this, we’d have dead bodies floating every now and then in the drains. This is the reality of Modi’s andolan right now.
After Yogi Adityanath came to power in Uttar Pradesh, more than Rs 80 crore has been spent on setting up Cow Shelters or Gau Shalas in the state, and the money continues to flow for this purpose. But the same state is on top of the list of highest number of villages without schools. The government is spending money on Gau Shalas when it should be spent on schools. The inevitability to set up Gau Shalas has also arisen out of that state’s wrong decisions as well.
So far farmers could decide whatever they wanted to do about their cattle. But ever since Yogi became CM, the farmers lost the right of deciding whether they could sell the cattle after their utility or keep them. Even a cattle past its utility could bring money to a farmer. But after the policy banning its sale was imposed, the farmers were forced to leave the useless cattle on the streets. Today the government is spending many crores on cattle but that has no use for dairy farming or to common people. This whole issue of Gau Shala is more of an emotional thing than with any utility at the end. The government has no money to supply oxygen cylinders to hospitals. Such schemes as Gaushala set the country back by ages. Leaders like Yogi and Modi are the biggest challenges who refuse the stakeholders a share of their role in the success march of the country.
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Bengaluru: In what appears to be the first such cybercrime reported in Bengaluru, a 57-year-old woman reportedly lost Rs 2 lakh after following instructions and pressing a key during a fake IVR (Interactive Voice Response) call from a nationalised bank.
The woman, a resident of Dattatreyanagar in Hosakerehalli, received a call that appeared to be from the State Bank of India (SBI), a bank she holds an account with. The IVR message claimed that Rs 2 lakh was being transferred from her account and instructed her to press '1' if she did not authorize the transaction, as reported by the Times of India on Thursday.
"I was shocked on hearing the voice note as I had not done any such transaction. I didn't press any number. The voice note repeated, saying that I have not responded. I was confused. After three rounds of such announcements, I pressed 1 as I had not initiated the transaction. Soon after that, there was a second announcement stating, ‘Please visit your bank and contact the manager immediately.' Subsequently, the call got disconnected," she told the national daily.
Shortly after, the call disconnected, and she discovered a Rs 2 lakh loss in her account. She immediately contacted her bank and filed a complaint with the police.
Meanwhile, a senior police officer explained that fraudsters often use IVR calls to ask for personal details like the last four digits of a debit card, bank account number, date of birth, email ID, or other information needed to access online banking. "Once the victim shares the information, the money is siphoned off. Without sharing the credentials, it is not possible to siphon off money just by pressing the options 3 or 1 or 9," he told TOI.
The officer noted that the victim may have shared some information in response to the voice message, which could have allowed the fraudsters to access her account and steal the money. If she didn't provide any details, this type of scam would be new to them, and the investigation will provide more clarity.
A case has been registered under the Information Technology Act and BNS section 318 (cheating).