With criminals and anti-social elements increasingly using WhatsApp to share fake through group chats, the company is planning to add in new features to check this misuse of its instant messaging app. The Facebook-owned chat platform is reportedly testing a new feature that will alert users of fake news that is forwarded in groups. Going forward, WhatsApp will automatically check the authenticity of the website links that are being shared through its upcoming ‘Suspicious Link’ feature.
How will the ‘Suspicious Link’ feature help you?
Once this feature is rolled-out, the moment you receive a link to a website on WhatsApp, the app will do a background check of the link to the website and will alert you if it finds something fishy. “When WhatsApp detects a suspicious link, the message is marked with a red label,” says a report in WaBetaInfo. The red label will indicate that either it’s spam or phishing link or is redirecting to a fake news website. Sometimes, third-party links can redirect to malicious website that download malware in the background.
The feature has been spotted in WhatsApp 2.18.204 beta version. We can expect WhatsApp to roll out this feature very soon. WhatsApp is trying hard to curb the menace of fake news being circulated on its platform for quite some time.
Here are some of the other steps it has taken till now:
*There is always the option to block people. It also prompts unknown senders with an option to either block or add the contact on WhatsApp.
* Feature to prevent users from from adding others back into groups which they left.
* Group admins can decide and even restrict other member from sending texts in a particular group.
* Demote group admins. With this, you can demote existing group admins to member status with limited rights.
* The “Forwarded” label feature allows users to know if the message has being written or forwarded. Courtesy: www.timesofindia.com
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New Delhi (PTI): AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday responded to the Election Commission notice over his claim the Haryana government was "mixing poison" in Yamuna, and said raw water received from the BJP-ruled state in the recent past has been "highly contaminated and extremely poisonous" for human health.
In the 14-page reply to the Election Commission, the former Delhi chief minister said if such "toxic water" is allowed to be consumed by human population it would lead to grave health hazard and fatality.
Kejriwal said he only wanted to highlight the "urgent public health crisis" due to the quality of drinking water in the city, and he violated no law or Model Code of Conduct, hence the issue should be closed.
He said the "alleged statements" attributed to him were made as it was his public duty to red flag the "severe toxicity and contamination" of raw water received from the BJP-ruled state.
Following a complaint filed by the BJP over the matter, the Election Commission issued the notice to Kejriwal on Tuesday, giving him time till Wednesday 8 pm to furnish his reply.
Kejriwal also said the ammonia level in raw water received from Haryana was so "extreme" that water treatment plants in Delhi are unable to process and bring it down to safe and permissible limits for human consumption.
Following their party chief's response, the AAP issued a statement, saying, "It is an undisputed fact that there is 7 ppm ammonia in Yamuna water, A Delhi Jal Board CEO letter admits toxicity is 700 percent higher than the permissible limit."
In his response to the EC, Kejriwal also alleged that Haryana's "failure" in controlling pollution in Yamuna has resulted in an "unprecedented public health crisis" in Delhi. He alleged "indiscriminate" discharge of industrial waste in the river by the state.
The AAP supremo said Haryana is an upper-riparian state and Delhi, ruled by his party, has no role to play in the high level of toxic water being made available to the city.
"Due to such high level of toxic content in the raw water supplied by Haryana, the water treatment plants in Delhi are operating below capacity and there is a shortage of treated water in Delhi," he claimed.
Saying that access to clean water is a basic human right, the AAP chief asserted that raising this critical issue cannot be considered an offence.
"The said statement by no stretch of the imagination can be termed inciting enmity between different groups or prejudicial to national integration," he said.
On the contrary, the substance and purpose of these statements are rooted solely in the public interest, aimed at highlighting a legitimate civic concern that requires urgent institutional intervention, he asserted.
He requested the EC to intervene in the matter and issue appropriate directions to Haryana so safe water is made available to the people of Delhi.