Kolkata, Jun 24: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, expressing “strong reservation” over the Centre excluding the state government from discussions with Bangladesh regarding Teesta water sharing and the Farakka Treaty.

Banerjee also urged the PM to not hold any such discussion with the neighbouring country without involving the West Bengal government.

“I am writing this letter in context of the recent visit of Prime Minister of Bangladesh. It seems that water sharing issues relating to the Ganges and Teesta rivers may have been discussed during the meeting. Such unilateral deliberations and discussions without consultation and the opinion of the state government is neither acceptable nor desirable,” she said in a three-page letter to Modi.

Bengal has a very close relationship with Bangladesh - geographically, culturally and economically, she noted.

“I love and respect people of Bangladesh and always wish for their well-being... I convey my strong reservation that no discussion on sharing of Teesta water and the Farakka Treaty should be taken up with Bangladesh without the involvement of the state government. The interest of people in West Bengal is paramount, which should not be compromised at any cost,” Banerjee said.

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Chikkodi: The recent discussions regarding the potential change of Karnataka's Chief Minister have sparked statements from leaders of various communities. In a recent development, Srisaila Jagadguru Dr. Channa Siddarama Panditaradhya Shivacharya Swamiji said that the Veerashaiva Lingayat community must be prioritised for the Chief Minister's position if changes are made.

Swamiji, speaking at Yadoora village in Chikkodi taluk, Belagavi district, highlighted that the Lingayat community has played a significant role in the recent elections and should be rewarded with key political positions.

He named prominent Lingayat leaders such as MB Patil, Ishwara Khandre, SS Mallikarjuna, and Shamanur Shivshankarappa as suitable candidates for the Chief Minister's role. He also said that the issue has been discussed with Jagadgurus from Kashi and Ujjain.

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Further, Srishaila Jagadguru said that if an agreement was made at the time of becoming the Chief Minister, let them act accordingly.

This statement follows a demand from top Vokkaliga pontiff Kumara Chandrashekaranatha Swami of Vishwa Okkaliga Mahasansthan Math, who urged the current Chief Minister Siddaramaiah to step down in favour of Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar during the Kempegowda Jayanti program.

The opposition BJP had seized upon this statement, with Leader of Opposition R Ashok questioning whether DCM DK Shivakumar was behind Swamiji's appeal.

In response to these developments, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah maintained that any decision would be made by the party's High Command, while the discussions around the creation of an additional Deputy Chief Minister position continue to create confusion within the state Congress.

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