Rishikesh: In a dramatic filmy scene, the police took extraordinary measures to arrest a nursing officer accused of sexually harassing a female doctor at AIIMS Rishikesh. The incident, similar to scenes from an action movie, unfolded as police drove a vehicle into the crowded emergency ward of the hospital on Tuesday.

The 26-second viral clip captured the startling sight of the police car maneuvering through the bustling ward, with patients on either side. Security personnel could be seen hastily clearing a path for the vehicle, even displacing stretchers to make way for its passage.

According to officials, the accused nursing officer, Satish Kumar, stands accused of inappropriate behavior towards a woman doctor within an operating theatre at the renowned healthcare institution. Additionally, Kumar allegedly sent lewd text messages to the doctor in question, as confirmed by Shankar Singh Bisht, a police officer from Rishikesh.

The incident incited fury among the hospital's medical professionals resulting in them staging a strike and assembling outside the dean's office, demanding immediate action against the offender. Not satisfied with Kumar's suspension, the protesting doctors insisted on his termination from employment.

In another video recording, police officers can be observed amidst the throng of protesting doctors as they take the accused individual into custody.


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New Delhi, Jun 23: The woman who has been accused of honey-trapping the man who was shot dead in a Burger King outlet in Rajouri Garden area was seen in Jammu, a police source said on Sunday.

Aman Joon, 26, was shot dead last week in the west Delhi area by two gangsters while he was sitting inside the restaurant with the woman. Police said Joon suffered 38 gunshot wounds.

According to a source, the woman, who Joon had come to meet at the fast food joint, was seen at Katra Railway Station of Jammu and Kashmir.

The woman, who is alleged to have been used as bait by the gangsters who killed the man, was captured in CCTV footage, which showed her carrying luggage at Katra Railway Station and covering her face with a scarf.