New Delhi (PTI): In a multi-state crackdown on organised cybercrime, the CBI has arrested 26 alleged cybercriminals involved in fraudulent activities targeting people globally, officials said on Monday.

The action under operation Chakra-III started with raids at 32 different places across Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Visakhapatnam late night last Thursday. The central agency has seized Rs 58.45 lakh cash, locker keys and three luxury vehicles, they said.

Four call centres -- V.C. Inconformities Pvt. Ltd at Regent Plaza, Pune; V.C. Infrometrix Pvt. Ltd, Murli Nagar, Visakhapatnam; Viajex Solutions, Hyderabad; and Atriya Global Services Pvt. Ltd, Visakhapatnam -- were among the places raided by the agency.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) intercepted 170 people engaged in live online criminal activities across the four call centers, the officials said.

"The cybercriminals targeted in this operation were involved in a range of illicit activities, including impersonating... tech support services and approaching victims, especially in the USA in the guise that the victim's systems have been hacked," a CBI spokesperson said in a statement.

He said the victims were convinced by the criminals that their identities had been stolen and that a large number of unauthorised transactions were being made in their bank accounts.

The scammers told the victims that they were under the scanner of investigation agencies of their respective countries, he added.

"The cybercriminals then induced the victims to transfer their bank holdings into new bank accounts given by cybercriminals in the guise of safeguarding their finances.

"In some instances, the cybercriminals intimidated the victims into transferring funds to them through international gift cards or crypto currency. Extensive wrongful losses were incurred by the victims targeted by this criminal network," the statement said.

So far, the CBI has arrested 10 cybercriminals from Pune, five from Hyderabad and 11 from Visakhapatnam. Further investigation and questioning into the role of other workers at these illegal call centers is ongoing, it said.

"These operations have resulted seizure of critical digital evidence and incriminating material. 951 items have been seized including electronic devices, mobile phones, laptops, financial information, communication records and incriminating material used by this cyber crime network for criminal activity and to defraud victims," the spokesperson said.

This operation has resulted in significant disruption and dismantling of a major trans national technology enabled crime network, he said.

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Prabhu Rajagopal, a researcher at IIT Madras, has received the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award for his pioneering work in ultrasonics, robotics, and promoting student entrepreneurship. The award highlights his contributions to fundamental research in ultrasonics and robotics, as well as his efforts to foster entrepreneurship among students.

Rajagopal who is also the head of IIT Madras' Centre for Innovation and has launched five startups. One of his ventures maintains sewer networks in smart cities, while another, Plenome Technologies, is developing an app for secure access to health records. The app, currently in trial phases with several large hospitals, aims to digitize health records, allowing patients to securely access and manage their own medical data. "The challenge is ensuring data accuracy and security, but my dream is for patients to control who accesses their health records," Rajagopal said according to a report in The Hindu. His “ultrasonic lenses” are capable of assessing structural health even in extreme conditions.

Rajagopal’s research focuses on developing innovative technologies to ensure the integrity and safety of critical infrastructure like pipelines, dams, and furnaces. His innovations include ultrasonic sensors and submersible robots that inspect critical infrastructure like pipelines, dams, and furnaces, ensuring safety in challenging environments.

Rajagopal has shown a strong commitment to turning his research into practical applications. He mentioned that much of his work focuses on developing new techniques, sensors, and robots, and expressed his passion for technology transfer. He sees startups as a means to bring these innovations into real-world use.

In addition to his work on sensors, Rajagopal has designed robots to inspect underwater pipelines and other submerged structures. These submersible robots play a key role in monitoring the structural stability of dams, river crossings, and sewer systems, making the process safer and more efficient.

In reflecting on his work, Rajagopal emphasized that his focus is not just on research but also on how to apply his learnings to benefit society. “One part of my work is in the lab, the second part is translating that work into real-world applications, and the third part is scaling it so that the whole system can benefit,” he noted.