New Delhi, June 15: Persistently suffering "severe" air quality for third day in row, the National Capital Region's (NCR) dusty situation is likely to improve from Saturday onwards, Met official said on Friday.

Coarse particles in Delhi's air, due to dust-raising winds from Rajasthan and excessive construction activities around in the NCR, bought the air quality to severe on June 13. Due to this, PM10 or particle with diameter less than 10 microns became the major pollutant and PM2.5 or finer particles the secondary in NCR.

At 3 p.m. on Friday, the PM10 averaged at 717 units, against 765.6 units at same time on Thursday. However, by 5 p.m. on Friday, the levels dropped down by 656 units.

While Delhi and regions around it may start seeing some improvement from Saturday onwards due to change in winds, Rajasthan will get no respite till Tuesday.

"The situation is set to improve in Delhi from Saturday and by Sunday, there will be considerable improvement in air quality as dust will begin settling down," India Meteorological Department scientist Kuldeep Srivastava told IANS.

There are also slight chances of very light rains on Sunday around Delhi, which may improve the situation further, IMD said.

According to private weather agency Skymet, winds are set to chance from currently dust-raising westerly and south-westerly to north-westerly on Saturday which may slightly improve the situation.

"Currently winds from Rajasthan and Balochistan are bringing in dust which are set to change to north-westerly," Skymet Director Mahesh Palawat told IANS. 

Meanwhile, the Air Quality Index (AQI) of Delhi saw deteriorating trend, with AQI at 4 pm on Friday was 447 against 431 on Thursday, both severe, on a scale of 0 to 500. However, the prominent pollutant on Friday was PM 10 while on Thursday it was both PM2.5 and PM10. 

Delhi Lt. Governor Anuil Baijal on Thursday also barred construction activities and stone crushers around Delhi for three days. 

"Dust and excessive construction activities around NCR are the primary reason of such a deterioration of air quality and giving rise to the coarser PM10 as primary pollutant," an scientist at Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) told IANS.

The scientist however added that there is also considerable presence of finer particle or PM2.5, which arise from vehicles and diesel generator sets.

However, neither the generator sets were barred in Delhi, nor the entry of trucks was stopped, as provisioned under Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) of Supreme Court appointed Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority for NCR.

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New Delhi: A tragic road accident in Gurugram earlier this week claimed the life of young biker Akshat Garg after his motorcycle was struck by an SUV travelling on the wrong side of the road. Pradyuman Kumar, the victim’s friend, claimed that the police allegedly overlooked the critical evidence recorded on Pradyuman’s GoPro camera.

The incident occurred on September 15, 2024, on Golf Course Road, where Akshat was hit by Kuldeep Thakur, who was reportedly driving recklessly. Despite emergency services arriving soon, Akshat succumbed to his injuries.

"The police saw the recording, but they didn’t take it as evidence that day," Pradyuman told India Today. It wasn’t until three days later, after the accused Kuldeep Thakur had already been released on bail, that the police reached out to Pradyuman for the footage. He expressed deep frustration over what he perceives as negligence on the part of law enforcement in collecting vital evidence promptly.

Additionally, the publication reported that the accused has a history of traffic violations and that Thakur’s vehicle displayed a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) sticker. The quick release of Thakur on bail has drawn criticism, particularly since the incident fell on a Sunday and Monday was a public holiday. Thakur is reportedly a co-owner of a company running social media campaigns for politicians.

Further investigation into the incident is underway.