Bengaluru (PTI): The Indian cyberspace has seen nearly double the number of cyber incidents as compared to the global average, National Cybersecurity Coordinator MU Nair said on Sunday.

Addressing a session on Aligning Technologies to Future Conflicts' at the Synergia Conclave 2023, Nair said ransomware attack payments of nearly USD 1.54 billion have been made on an average over the past 10 months, which has doubled since 2022.

"These payments are just the tip of an iceberg since several of these incidents go unreported," he said.

Nair said the Indian cyberspace has seen cyber incidents at an average of 2127 times during the past six months, which is much more than the global average of 1108.

Nair said it's time for countries to rally together to contain and limit disruptive practices on cyberspace.

"There are a large number of initiatives in this direction under the UN and regional forums where nations are looking for solutions to cyberspace which is not confined to national boundaries," he said.

Nair said several international initiatives are addressing the evolving challenges of cybersecurity. One notable effort is the UN Group of Governmental Experts (UN GGE) on advancing responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, appointed by the United Nations General Assembly, he said.

In 2021, the UN GGE adopted a report that contributes significantly to the development of international cybersecurity, he said.

"Key recommendations from the UN GGE include the development of international norms and principles, promotion of international cooperation, and strengthening of national cybersecurity capabilities.

"Additionally, an ad hoc committee is collaborating on a comprehensive international convention to counter the use of ICTs for criminal purposes," he added.

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Dharwad Congress MLA and Chairman of the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board, Vinay Kulkarni on Monday stated that he would not hesitate to resign from the board if his views are not in sync with Urban Development Minister Byrathi Suresh. He made these remarks while addressing media representatives at the KPCC office in Bengaluru on Monday.

"I am not discontent with the work tender and fund allocation under Urban Development Minister Byrathi Suresh's leadership in the board. If such situation arises, I will not hesitate to resign," Vinay Kulkarni stated.

Highlighting what he described as mismanagement within the board, the Dharwad MLA accused the board of lacking a proper system under the current administration. He also claimed that despite holding the position of board’s chairman, he was denied the right to inspect its operations. "We have witnessed irregularities similar to those in the Valmiki Development Authority, and I am determined not to let this situation worsen. That's why I have formally requested action to be taken," Kulkarni added.

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Asserting the need for accountability, Kulkarni called for the blacklisting of companies involved in irregular practices. "It has been two months since I requested an investigation into 10-15 companies implicated in these irregularities. I am concerned that companies disfavored by the Minister might be unfairly targeted while those associated with his close aides secure tenders," he emphasized.

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