Thiruvananthapuram, Dec 11: Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan on Monday lashed out at Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan by accusing the Marxist veteran of 'conspiring' to hurt him physically.

Khan's scathing accusation came after his vehicle was allegedly hit by activists of the Students Federation of India (SFI), the student wing of the CPI(M), while he was on his way to the Thiruvananthapuram International Airport to leave for Delhi.

A visibly furious Governor got out of his car and told media that it was CM Vijayan who 'conspired' to send people to hurt him physically.

Khan also claimed that the constitutional machinery appeared to be collapsing in the state.

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Bengaluru, Jul 26: Tension prevailed at the Bengaluru City Railway Station when a consignment of meat weighing about three tonnes loaded in about 150 cartons reached here from Jaipur in a train on Friday night, railway sources said.

Puneeth Kerehalli, a cow vigilante, earlier jailed on murder charge, claimed it was dog meat. However, meat dealer Abdul Razzaq, who had ordered the meat, dismissed the charge.

The consignment was ordered legally and it is not dog meat but sheep meat, he said.

"We have legal documents to prove it. One can see the tail of the animal that was slaughtered. It's sheep and not dog," the meat trader said.

He alleged that Kerehalli wanted to make money by levelling false accusation.

Due to the commotion, a large number of people gathered there, and seeing the situation, police have been deployed.

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