Jaipur, Jun 26: A first-year MBBS student of Dungarpur medical college had to undergo dialysis four times after allegedly being ragged by some senior students last month, which caused an infection in his kidney, police said.

According to the SHO of Dungarpur Sadar police station, Girdhari Singh, seven second-year students made the victim do more than 300 sit-ups at a place near the college on May 15. This exerted severe pressure on his kidney, leading to a malfunction and an infection, he said.

The victim was hospitalized in Ahmedabad for a week during which dialysis was done four times, the police officer said, adding the student is stable now.

He rejoined college in June.

The college principal lodged an FIR against seven accused students on Tuesday after they were found guilty in an inquiry by the anti-ragging committee of the institute, the SHO said.

The victim took admission in the college in September last year.

"He had faced ragging earlier too but did not complain. The latest incident came to light after the college authority received a complaint through the online portal on June 20 following which an inquiry was conducted," the police officer said.

The FIR was registered against the seven students under IPC sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 143 (unlawful assembly), 147 (rioting), 149 (offence committed in prosecution of common object), 341 (wrongful restraint), and 352 ( assault or criminal force otherwise than on grave provocation).

The matter is being investigated, the SHO said.

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Honavar: Abdul Wajid, a Bhatkal resident who was set to return to Dubai in a few days, where he was employed, died in a road accident on the Gersuppa National Highway in Honavar taluk today.

His wife, who was with him, sustained minor injuries and is reported to be out of danger.

Abdul Wajid (40), a resident of Hilal Street in Makhdoom Colony, was traveling with his wife from Bhatkal to visit his brother in Shiralkopa.

The accident occurred when their omnicar collided with a bus coming from the opposite direction on the highway. Both Abdul Wajid and his wife were injured in the accident.

They were rushed to Honavar Hospital. Due to Abdul Wajid's critical condition, efforts were made to transfer him to Udupi Hospital. He succumbed to his injuries before reaching the hospital at around 6 pm.

Abdul Wajid had returned from Dubai to Bhatkal a month ago and was preparing to return to Dubai shortly when this tragic accident occurred.