Tamil actor Siddharth faced an interruption during a press conference in Bengaluru on September 28, where he was promoting his latest film, "Chithha."
Pro-Kannada activists disrupted the event, questioning the necessity of his film promotion amid the ongoing Cauvery River water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
During the press conference, a group of pro-Kannada activists entered and confronted Siddharth, expressing their concerns about the ongoing Cauvery protests and whether it was appropriate for a Tamil actor to promote his film in Karnataka during this sensitive time. They pointed out that Karnataka residents were protesting the release of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu, raising questions about the timing of the film promotion.
In response, Siddharth attempted to address the activists in Kannada but was met with further inquiries about the necessity of holding such an event with a Tamil actor. The activists emphasized that they were making an appeal and urged Siddharth to join the protests on the streets.
The Cauvery River water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu has garnered renewed attention following a recent Supreme Court decision upholding the Cauvery Water Management Authority's (CWMA) directive. The Supreme Court ordered the Karnataka government to release 5,000 cusecs of water to Tamil Nadu for a 15-day period on September 21, reigniting tensions over the longstanding water-sharing issue.
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Bengaluru: M. Narasimhalu has been elected as the new President of the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce (KFCC). The election for the 2024-25 term was conducted using electronic voting machines under the supervision of the election officer at the Gururaja Kalyana Mantapa, located near the KFCC office.
A total of 128 candidates from the producer, distributor, and exhibitor sectors contested in the election, with 24 candidates already elected unopposed. This time, the president's position was reserved for the exhibitor sector. M. Narasimhalu of Vaibhavi Theatre emerged victorious over Sundar Raj A.R., owner of Vajeshwari Theatre, winning the position by a significant margin.
The newly elected office-bearers are as follows:
1. Vice President (Producer Sector): Venkatesh K.V. (Safeer)
2. Vice President (Distributor Sector): Shilpa Srinivas
3. Vice President (Exhibitor Sector): Rangappa
4. Honorary General Secretary (Producer Sector): Ramakrishna D.K.
5. Honorary General Secretary (Distributor Sector): M.N. Kumar
6. Honorary General Secretary (Exhibitor Sector): L.C. Kushal
7. Treasurer: Madesh (Chingari)
The total number of voters in the Chamber was 1,409, with members from the producer, distributor, and exhibitor sectors participating in the election process.