Washington: In a recently leaked video on X, former President Donald Trump harshly criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, predicting that she will be the Democratic nominee in the upcoming presidential race. Trump can be heard saying, "She's so bad. She's so pathetic. She's just so f***g bad."

Trump also boasted about his performance in a recent debate against President Joe Biden, stating, "How did I do with the debate the other night? I kicked that old, broken down pile of cr*p." He went on to assert that his debate performance would force Biden to drop out of the race, leading to Harris's nomination. "I got him out of the race, and that means we have Kamala. I think she's going to be better. She's so bad. She's so pathetic. She's just so f***g bad," Trump reiterated.

Additionally, Trump questioned Biden's ability to handle international leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. "Can you imagine [Biden] dealing with Putin and the president of China, who's a fierce person? He's a fierce man. Very tough guy," Trump commented.

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Sukma (Chhattisgarh) (PTI): Police have arrested five Naxalites and recovered explosives, including two barrel grenade launcher shells and a tiffin bomb, from them in Chhattisgarh's Sukma district, an official said on Sunday.

The cadres were apprehended on Saturday from Jagargunda police station limits when a joint team of the District Reserve Guard (DRG), Bastar Fighters and district force was out on an area domination operation, he said.

On sensing the presence of security personnel near Singavaram turn close to Jagargunda, some Naxalites, clad in civil dress, tried to hide and escape but in vain, the official said.

Those arrested have been identified as Hemla Pala (35), Hemla Hunga (35), Sodi Deva (25), Nuppo (20) and Kunjam Masa (28), all residents of adjoining Chintalnar police station limits and active as militia members in Surpanguda area, he said.

Two country-made barrel grenade launcher (BGL) shells, one tiffin bomb, seven gelatin rods, nine detonators, explosive powder and other items used in making improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were recovered from their possession, the official said.