Puttur: A case has been registered at the Puttur Town Police Station against a man who is charged with sharing on social media a derogatory post on former legislator Sanjeeva Matandoor and issuing a death threat to the senior political leader.

The accused Prajwal Rai had allegedly posted a message on WhatsApp on May 17 demeaning Matandoor. The complainants also told the Puttur Town Police that Rai had issued a warning on social media that the former MLA would be stoned on the streets. They also urged the police to take suitable legal action against the accused.

Puttur Town Police have filed a case based on the complaint and investigation is underway.

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Sullia: A dead body of a young man was found under mysterious circumstances in Kanthamangala of Ajjawara village here on Monday.

The man, approximately 30 years old, was found with a stone on his head in the playground of the school at Kanthamangala.

According to locals, the state in which the body was seen indicates a possible murder.

Local police have arrived at the scene and are conducting a detailed inquest in relation to the incident.