Uppinangady: Local police on Monday arrested four people for allegedly breaking into a house and assaulting a man and his family. The accused assaulted and attempted to kill the man and his family after he rejected the marriage proposal of one of the gang members for his daughter.

The arrested accused have been identified as Muhammed Nizamuddin (25), Toufeeq (20), Abdul Salim (23), and Muhammed Shafeek (22). The police are currently on the lookout for the two other accused in this case, identified as Sameer and Nasir.

The arrests were made based on a complaint filed by Tahirah (38), a resident of Ayodhya Nagar at Biliyur village in Bantwal Taluk.

In her complaint, Tahirah revealed that the gang of youngsters comprising Muhammed Nizamuddin, Toufeeq, Abdul Salim, Muhammed Shafeek, Sameer, and Nasir had broken into her residence on Friday around 11.15 pm.

After forcing their way into the house, the accused men verbally abused her husband Usman Beary and her children. Amid this when her son-in-law Yusuf arrived home, he was assaulted by the accused gang.

When Usman Beary tried to intervene and stop the assault, Nizamuddin stabbed the former in the chest. The gang carrying wooden sticks and stones also assaulted the victims with their bare hands and threatened their lives, Tahirah accused in the police complaint.

According to the police complaint, Usman Beary had previously rejected Nizamuddin’s marriage proposal and refused to give the youngster his daughter’s hand in marriage. Angered by this rejection, Nizamuddin had assembled a gang, broke into Usman’s residence, and carried out the deed.

An injured Usman Beary has been admitted to a private hospital in Mangaluru.

The accused arrested in the case by the police have been produced before the court.

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Bengaluru, Jul 26: Tension prevailed at the Bengaluru City Railway Station when a consignment of meat weighing about three tonnes loaded in about 150 cartons reached here from Jaipur in a train on Friday night, railway sources said.

Puneeth Kerehalli, a cow vigilante, earlier jailed on murder charge, claimed it was dog meat. However, meat dealer Abdul Razzaq, who had ordered the meat, dismissed the charge.

The consignment was ordered legally and it is not dog meat but sheep meat, he said.

"We have legal documents to prove it. One can see the tail of the animal that was slaughtered. It's sheep and not dog," the meat trader said.

He alleged that Kerehalli wanted to make money by levelling false accusation.

Due to the commotion, a large number of people gathered there, and seeing the situation, police have been deployed.

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