Kasargod: A 30-year-old bus conductor has been arrested by the police in the district in relation to the suicide of a college student.

The arrested conductor has been identified as Umesh Kumar, a resident of Kutthikol.

Sharanya, a 17-year-old II PU student of Bandadka Government Higher Secondary School and resident of Malakundu, allegedly committed suicide on March 20 by hanging herself at home.

The family members, who found the death note in Sharanya's room, suspected the cause for her death and complained about the matter to the Bedadka Police.

Following a filing of a case by the Bedadka Police officers, a post mortem of the college student's body was conducted at the Periyaram Medical College Hospital.

The Bedadka Police, who investigated the matter further with the aid of the Cyber Crime police officers, have arrested Umesh Kumar on charge of abetting the suicide.



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Chitradurga (Karnataka), June 18: Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara on Tuesday said there was no need to hand over the Renukaswamy murder case to the CBI as the police were doing a good job in their investigation without succumbing to any pressure. Parameshwara met the parents and wife of Renukaswamy, who was tortured and murdered in Bengaluru on June eight.

The Minister said 17 people, including Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa and his friend Pavithra Gowda, have been arrested in connection with the case.

“I came here to console the family. This is a painful incident not only for the family but also for all of us. So far, 17 people have been arrested. They are being interrogated thoroughly,” Parameshwara told reporters here.

“Our policemen have done a good job. They did not succumb to any pressure while doing their job. Hence, there is no need to hand over the case to the CBI,” he said in response to a question on the possibility of handing over the case to the premier investigation agency.

ALSO READ: BJP State President BY Vijayendra meets Renukaswamy's family in Chitradurga, offers condolences

“There should not be any politics in this case. I am saying this because I have seen various reports in the media. This incident should not have happened but it did. There could have been some statements but we will not bow to any pressure,” Parameshwara added.

He said Renukaswamy’s family members have demanded justice and a Government job.

The victim got married only a year ago and his wife is pregnant.

"I will discuss with the Chief Minister (Siddaramaiah) (on the demand for government job)," the Minister said.

Renukaswamy, a fan of Darshan, had allegedly sent some obscene messages to Gowda on social media, which infuriated the 47-year-old actor, according to police sources.

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