Shivamogga (PTI): Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Friday said he will visit Ayodhya after January 22, whenever he gets time to pay his obeisance to Lord Ram, but added that Congress leaders and workers would offer special pujas in Ram temples across the State on that day.

"I have not received an invitation for the inauguration of Rama temple (on January 22). We are not running behind them (BJP) to pay obeisance to Sri Rama. We too worship Rama but they (BJP) are politicising the Rama temple issue. We oppose their politics and not Sri Ramachandra," he told reporters in this district headquarters town.

The Chief Minister, who arrived here to launch the Congress government's fifth guarantee Yuva Nidhi', said his party leaders and workers will perform special prayers in Ram temples across the State on January 22.
"I will see. After January 22, whenever I get some time I will visit Ayodhya to pray to Sri Rama. We are not against Rama. We only oppose BJP's politics," Siddaramaiah said.

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Mangaluru: As rain continues to batter Mangaluru taluk, Tahsildar Prashantha V Patila has declared a holiday for anganwadis, primary schools, high schools and PU colleges, including government, aided and private institutions, in the taluk on July 8.

Tahsildar of Mangaluru, who is also the Chairman of Mangaluru Taluk Disaster Management Authority, has issued the order in consideration of a heavy rain forecast issued by Indian Meteorological Department and the Karnataka State Natural Disaster Management Authority.