Chikmagaluru, June 4: Former deputy chief minister and MLA KS Eshwarappa said that “I don’t know why Pejawar Shree has spoken against the central government despite it has been working on cleaning of Ganges and black money with keen interest”.

Speaking to reporters here on Monday, Eshwarappa said that “Pejawar Shree is like a God. I have great respect towards him. But his statement has shocked me. Earlier, the condition of the Ganges was not good. After BJP government came to power, it has taken measures to clean the river.  I think Pejawar shree has not seen the river in recent past. If possible, I would take him to the Ganges. With this, I can see the sacred river once again”, he said.

The centre has made all efforts to bring back the black money. Income Tax department has conducted raids on various places and confiscated black money worth hundreds of crores. He would speak to him and apprise him of the measures taken by the centre, he said.

The BJP would come to power next time with clear mandate and Narendra Modi would continue as the Prime Minister, he said.

Responding to JDS-Congress alliance for the forthcoming Lok Sabha election, Eshwarappa said that apart from Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Siddaramaiah who were present during the swearing in ceremony, all others are against the Congress. All power-mongers have joined together to defeat Modi and BJP. No one could defeat the BJP as it would win all the 28 LS seats in the state, he said.

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Davangere: Reports state that two groups engaged in stone pelting at each other during Ganesha idol immersion ceremony in Davangere on Thursday. Two police personnel were injured in the incident.

Few days ago, two groups of youth engaged in verbal altercation regarding raising of a flag for Eid Milad celebration. On account of the clashes, police had heightened security for the Ganesha procession. Despite the additional security, stones were pelted at the procession, sources stated. Inspector Gururaj and constable Raghavendra were injured in the incident. The procession continued after the police brought the situation to control. However, the stone pelting resumed once again as the procession surged forwards.

Security has been tightened up in the area and all shops have been closed down by the police. The two police personnel, who were injured in the stone pelting, are undergoing treatment at a hospital.