Bengaluru: Karnataka High Court on Wednesday referred the Hijab matter’s hearing to larger bench after hearing submissions and arguments from all the parties.
The matter was being heard by Single Bench of Justice Krishna Dixit.
Justice Dixit observed in the order that the question of interim relief will also be considered by the larger bench.
"Having regard to the enormity of questions of importance which are debated, the court is of the considered opinion that the papers be put at the hand of CJ to decide if a larger bench can be constituted in the subject matter"- Justice Dixit noted in the order.
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Karkala: Three people sustained injuries when their car overturned after hitting a roadside barricade near Jarigekatte Church in Mundkur early Friday morning. The accident occurred while they were traveling from Shivamogga to Mangaluru on the state highway.
The vehicle reportedly lost control before crashing into the barricade and overturning on the road. Passersby, including devotees walking towards Kateel, immediately alerted social activist Supreeth Shetty, who coordinated efforts to shift the injured to a hospital in Mangaluru.
While all three travelers suffered injuries, one of them is said to be in critical condition.