Indore (MP): Videos of furious delegates speaking about the mismanagement by the Madhya Pradesh Government at the 17th NRI Meet are doing the rounds on social media platforms. The G20 17th NRI Meet was organized at Indore with Prime Minister Narendra Modi visiting the event on Monday.

In a video that is widely being shared on Twitter, a delegate from Jamaica, Prashant Singh can be seen lamenting at the Madhya Pradesh Government adding that the government led by CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan cannot manage a crowd of 3000 people while the country aims to be a global power.

“Delegates including Ministers from Jamaica have come for the NRI Meet. The arrangements of the Indian government are so pathetic that CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan should be fired.” He said in the video.

“This guy (Shivraj Singh Chouhan) cannot manage a crowd of 3000 people then how can we become a global power? This is utterly shameful. All the reputation that we will build by our hard work, this guy has taken it down in a second.” Singh further said in the video.

Similar videos of women speaking about how they were made to wait for hours and then asked to sit out as the sitting facility was utilized completely are also doing rounds. In the video, the women expressed their anguish that even after registering for the event and despite being invited guests for PM Modi’s interaction, they were asked to sit outside the designated hall citing overcrowding.

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Guwahati: The Gauhati High Court on Friday directed that the bodies of three men from the Hmar community, identified by Assam Police as militants, must be preserved in a morgue until the next hearing, the bench passing the judgment amid serious allegations from the families of the deceased that the incident was a ‘staged encounter’.

The deceased, Joshua, Lallungawi Hmar, and Lalbiekkung Hmar, were killed on July 17 while in the custody of Cachar Police. The Assam Police have stated that the men, who had been apprehended on July 16 and involved in a ‘special operation’ against other militants, were killed in crossfire during the operation.

Advocate Colin Gonsalves, representing the petitioners in court, requested that the post-mortem examination be performed by ‘independent doctors, possibly from Mizoram because it is close-by’, and has called for a CBI investigation into the case.

Advocate General of Assam Devajit Saikia submitted the post-mortem report from Silchar Medical College and Hospital to the High Court bench, consisting of Justice Kalyan Rai Surana and Justice Soumitra Saikia, in a sealed envelope as reported by The Indian Express. The bench noted that the cause of death as mentioned in the report was incomplete as the Directorate of Forensic Science was yet to submit the viscera report.

In light of this, the bench has instructed the state to file an affidavit-in-opposition before the next hearing on August 2, along with the final post-mortem examination report. Justice Surana said that the High Court would wait till the final report on the post-mortem examination is submitted, to decide on the removal of the bodies of the three deceased men from the morgue.