San Francisco: Advait Paliwal, a 21-year-old Indian-origin techie based in San Francisco, has introduced an innovative wearable AI device named 'Iris,' which aims to provide users with what he describes as "infinite memory." The device automatically captures a photograph every minute, storing these images either locally or in the cloud, allowing users to document everyday moments that might otherwise be forgotten.

Iris's design is inspired by the traditional evil eye symbol, a concept Paliwal shared on social media. The device was developed during a two-month AI and hardware accelerator program at the Augmentation Lab in Cambridge. Paliwal later showcased Iris at the MIT Media Lab, where it received positive feedback, with many attendees expressing interest in acquiring the product.

In a series of posts on X (formerly Twitter), Paliwal detailed how Iris not only organizes these photos into a coherent timeline but also uses artificial intelligence to generate captions, assisting users in recalling specific details. One standout feature is the "focus mode," which detects when the wearer becomes distracted and provides gentle prompts to help them regain focus.

Paliwal emphasized the broad potential of Iris in various industries. He suggested the device could be useful for healthcare professionals, helping them monitor patients' daily routines, or in workplaces to ensure safety compliance. In elderly care, Iris could provide caregivers with unobtrusive ways to track patients’ well-being.

Despite its positive reception, the device has stirred online debate, particularly over privacy concerns. While some users were excited about the concept, others expressed discomfort. One individual commented, "It’s an interesting idea, but I wouldn’t want to interact with someone wearing this, taking a photo every minute." In response, Paliwal pointed out that people already "constantly take mental photos."

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Mangaluru: Iqra Islamic School, in collaboration with the All India Payam-e-Insaniyat Forum, organized a Muslim Intellectuals Meet on Friday, focusing on the theme "Current Affairs and Our Responsibilities." The event took place at the Royal Plaza Hotel in the city.

The program commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Mohsin Kempi, followed by a Naat by Ali Azhaan. Moulana Farhan Nadvi provided an introduction to both the Payam-e-Insaniyat Forum and Iqra Arabic School, Mangaluru.

The gathering was graced by several prominent personalities. Moulana Bilal Abdul Hai Hasani Nadvi, the General Secretary of All India Payam-e-Insaniyat Forum and Secretary of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, along with Moulana Abdus Subhan Nadvi, a member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, served as the chief guests. The event was presided over by Moulana Salim Khalifa Nadvi, Principal of Iqra Arabic School, Mangaluru.

Other notable guests included Dr. C.P. Habeeb Rahman, Director of Unity Hospital, Mangaluru, and Moulana Yahya Thangal, Principal of Al-Furqaan, Babukatte, who were present on the dais during the event.

Moulana Abdul Subhan Nadvi remarked that there is no need to delve deeply into current affairs, as everyone is already aware of the situation around them. He emphasized that people should not lose hope in these challenging times, reminding them that despair is not for believers. Instead, he encouraged Muslims to continue doing good deeds, believing that things will improve.

He urged the community to focus on the welfare of all humanity, stressing the importance of taking responsibility for guiding others away from wrongdoing and working towards positive change in society. He also called on Muslims to engage in self-reflection rather than placing blame on others for the difficulties they face.

Moulana Bilal Abdul Hai Hasani Nadvi expressed concern over the current global situation, noting that it is especially troubling for Muslims. He attributed this to the fact that Muslims have not fulfilled their duty to share the teachings of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad with the world.

He pointed out that while the media in India often targets Muslims and exaggerates situations against them, it is the community itself that provides the material for such stories. He stressed the importance of self-reflection and urged Muslims to be mindful of their actions.

Moulana Nadvi highlighted the vital role that Muslim scholars and Madrasas play in upholding Islam and spreading its teachings. He emphasized that non-Muslims do not judge Muslims by what happens inside mosques and Madrasas but by how they conduct themselves in markets and other public spaces. He called on Muslims to demonstrate the teachings of Prophet Muhammad through their daily lives.

He further stated that Muslims can only be true representatives of Prophet Muhammad if they fully align their lives with his teachings and follow his example. According to him, Muslims must not live in isolation but should care for the well-being of all humanity. He encouraged the spread of good and the prevention of evil.

Moulana Nadvi reminded the community that Allah has created Muslims to work for the welfare of all humanity, and this should be their life's purpose. He concluded by saying that the situation for Muslims in the country will improve significantly if they start living according to the character taught by Prophet Muhammad. He also emphasized that safeguarding Madrasas is one of the primary responsibilities of the Muslim community.

In his presidential address, Moulana Salim Khalifa expressed his gratitude to everyone who attended the event. He urged the audience to take the advice of the esteemed guests seriously and hoped for continued cooperation in future programs that will be organized.

Moulana Khalifa also praised the efforts of the All India Payam-e-Insaniyat Forum for its role in representing Muslims and promoting the practical teachings of Islam and the life of Prophet Muhammad.

Moulana Junaid Farooqi of All India Payam-e-Insaniyat Forum also addressed the event. The event was comperred by Muaad TD.