The Tamil Nadu government has rejected a Central government-sponsored report on the groundwater contamination in Tuticorin, saying it "prejudices" the state government cases in various courts against the Sterlite copper smelter plant of Vedanta Ltd.
A car accidentally caught fire and reduced to ashes near Jodukatte in the city around 9 pm on Saturday.
More than 200 people fell sick after consuming Prasad at Bilichodi in Jagaluru taluk in the district.
Besides practicing backdoor to overthrow coalition government and come to power, the BJP is indulged in the horse trading; alleged MP DK Suresh.
In a veiled attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha on Saturday said that lies of someone occupying top office in the country does not go unnoticed, as people are smart enough to see through such lies.
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday assured a fresh batch of students of North East to Delhi of providing them safe environment with better opportunities.
Taking strong objection to BJPs criticism of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the Congress on Saturday hit back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi calling him arrogant and one who had no respect for democracy.
I did not write any letter to the Income Tax department. The letter released by MP D.K. Suresh is fake, clarified BJP President B.S. Yeddyurappa.
Even as External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj's visit to Syria next week has been postponed in view of the prevailing situation in that war-torn nation, it was announced on Saturday that she will be visiting Russia on September 13-14 to attend an inter-governmental meeting.
Swaraj Abhiyan chief Yogendra Yadav and four of his associates were detained and allegedly manhandled by police on Saturday in Tiruvannamalai district when they were on their way to meet protesting farmers against the proposed eight-lane expressway between Chennai and Salem.