New Delhi: Former New Delhi Television (NDTV) Journalists Saurabh Shukla, Sanket Upadhyay and Sunil Saini who recently bid farewell to the Network after the Adani takeover of the channel have made a new beginning, to start their career in the Digital Media Industry.

The trio has launched a new Youtube channel named, “The Red Mike,” stating, “We have left NDTV, but not the red mic.”

The Youtube channel has so far gained around 19.1K subscribers at the time of writing this article.

In a video posted on their channel both Saurabh and Sanket revealed that the idea of coming together to build a Youtube Channel was based on people's opinion. Meanwhile, Saurabh who served NDTV for the past 13 years, also stressed on bringing ground reports for the viewers.

At the same time, Sanket Updahyay who served the network as an consulting editor for 4 years and also worked with several other news channels including CNN News 18, India Today and others, stated, “ We are bringing a new platform to maintain your trust and belief towards us.”

"The Red Mike is new movement in journalism. We tell your stories, ground reports, the way they should be. Stories from India and around the world that impact and affect you. Your Mike. Your stories." The video description read.

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New Delhi, Jun 23: The woman who has been accused of honey-trapping the man who was shot dead in a Burger King outlet in Rajouri Garden area was seen in Jammu, a police source said on Sunday.

Aman Joon, 26, was shot dead last week in the west Delhi area by two gangsters while he was sitting inside the restaurant with the woman. Police said Joon suffered 38 gunshot wounds.

According to a source, the woman, who Joon had come to meet at the fast food joint, was seen at Katra Railway Station of Jammu and Kashmir.

The woman, who is alleged to have been used as bait by the gangsters who killed the man, was captured in CCTV footage, which showed her carrying luggage at Katra Railway Station and covering her face with a scarf.