Chennai: A row erupted here on Thursday over the alleged denial of entry to a family, said to be from a particular ST community, into a city cinema theatre despite possessing valid tickets, though the cinema house insisted it only adhered to Censor rules. As the issue snowballed into a major controversy, with many on Twitter asking if the members were denied entry because they belonged to the particular Narikuravar community, the theatre management later allowed all of them to watch the newly released Tamil flick, "Pathu Thala", starring Silmabarasan TR.

A video of the members being denied entry despite showing what seemed like valid tickets but being shooed away by theatre staff went viral, drawing widespread condemnation.

Some people were heard trying to persuade the staff to allow the family inside.

The management of Rohini Silver Screens theatre, where the film was running, said it has taken note of the situation.

"A few individuals along with their children with valid tickets have sought entry to the cinema to watch 'Pathu Thala' movie. As we know, the movie is censored U/A by the authorities," it said in a statement.

Children below 12 years cannot be permitted to watch U/A rated movies as per the law, it added.

"Our ticket checking staff has denied entry on this basis to the family which had come with children aged 2,6,8 and 10." "However, since the audience gathered turned into a frenzy and took a different perspective of the situation without full understanding, in order to avert any law and order problem... the same family was allowed entry to watch the movie on time," the statement read.

The theatre management later released a video of the family enjoying the action flick.


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Kasaragod: The Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) Kasaragod Deanery, in collaboration with the Christ King Youth Movement (CKYM) Kayyar, is all set to host the highly anticipated cultural and arts festival, Kalotsav-2025. The event will take place at Christ the King Church grounds in Kayyar on January 11 and 12.

According to a release from CKYM Kayyar, the festival will commence at 2:00 PM on Saturday, January 11, and will continue on Sunday, January 12, from 11:00 AM until 10:30 PM.

Kalotsav-2025 promises a spectacular celebration of creativity, entertainment, and community engagement, with an array of cultural performances, family entertainment activities, exciting games with prizes, and a variety of competitions. Featured events include face painting, stand-up comedy, bottle painting, singing, dance, and more.

All Konkani speaking people from across 16 parishes under the Kasaragod Deanery will participate in the festivities, making it a grand showcase of talent and unity.