Noida (UP), Jun 29: A woman's family allegedly got her husband of five years killed by hired men for marrying against their wishes, police said here on Saturday.

Investigating the case of a man found dead earlier on June 16, police investigation found that the woman's father and uncle had allegedly hired four men to kill her husband, they said.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone II) Suniti said the body of an unknown person was found near Sangam Vihar Colony of Ecotech-3 Police Station area on June 16, which was later identified as Bhulesh Kumar, a resident of Sambhal district. Later, his autorickshaw was also found to be missing, the DCP said.

Suniti said that Bhulesh's family filed a case against his wife Preeti Yadav's father Budh Singh Yadav and brother Mukesh Yadav and friend Shripal. Five years ago, Preeti had married Bhulesh against the wishes of the family, the officer said.

During the investigation, police came to know that Preeti's father Buddh Singh Yadav and uncle Kharak Singh had allegedly conspired and hired four boys of their neighbouring village Mandoli to kill Bhulesh, the DCP said.

Suniti said that the investigation revealed that four accused -- Awadhesh, Neeraj Yadav, Yashpal and Titu came to Noida and allegedly strangled Bhulesh and took his autorickshaw.

The DCP said that the vehicle used in connection with the alleged incident, a towel used for strangulation, jewellery worth Rs 3 lakhs received in exchange for committing the murder have also been recovered from the accused.

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New Delhi: Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi adopted an aggressive stance during his maiden speech in the Lok Sabha on Monday, July 1. In his address, Gandhi raised multiple issues, from the NEET examination to matters of religion, and launched a sharp attack on the central government. He also openly challenged the Modi government regarding the upcoming assembly elections in several states.

Gandhi asserted that the INDIA alliance, which includes the Congress and other opposition parties, would secure a victory in the forthcoming Gujarat assembly elections. "You can take it in writing that the opposition INDIA alliance is going to defeat you (BJP) in Gujarat," he declared.

Highlighting economic concerns, Gandhi criticized the government's demonetization policy and the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). He claimed these measures were implemented to benefit billionaires at the expense of small industrialists. "Ask any small industrialist why demonetization was done? They will tell you that all this was done to help billionaires. I went to Gujarat and spoke to a textile owner. When I asked him why demonetization and GST were introduced, he clearly said that GST was brought to help billionaires because Narendra Modi works for billionaires," Gandhi said.

During his remarks, a BJP member interrupted Gandhi, questioning his visits to Gujarat. This was a pointed reference to Gandhi's defamation case in a Gujarat court, which had previously led to his two-year imprisonment sentence and temporary disqualification as an MP. Responding to the interruption, Gandhi reaffirmed his commitment to Gujarat, stating, "I keep going to Gujarat and this time I will defeat you in Gujarat. You can take it in writing that the opposition INDIA alliance is going to defeat you in Gujarat."