Mangaluru (PTI): Indian Coast Guard (ICG) commander (coast guard region-west) inspector general Bhisham Sharma conducted an inspection of the Coast Guard unit in Mangaluru, the headquarters of Karnataka, as part of his four-day visit.

The visit concluded on Saturday.

The primary objective of the inspection was to assess the operational readiness and infrastructure development of the unit, which involved a comprehensive review of the preparedness of various assets located in Mangaluru, with specific focus on improving operational capabilities, a Coast Guard release here said.

The commander personally supervised the ongoing infrastructure development projects and evaluated the operational readiness of sea and air assets along the coast of Mangaluru. The fleet of ships and aircraft showcased during the visit demonstrated the Coast Guard's operational preparedness in Karnataka.

Sharma underscored the importance of maintaining high-level readiness and robust infrastructure in these critical coastal regions. The demonstration of operational readiness reflected the Coast Guard's steadfast commitment to protecting the nation's coastal territories and safeguarding maritime interests.

The visit demonstrated the Coast Guard's commitment to continuous improvement, aiming to be ever-ready to effectively respond to any maritime contingencies, the release added.

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New Delhi, Jun 30: A six-year-old boy was killed when a portion of the terrace of an old building collapsed in the Harsh Vihar area of the national capital on Sunday, police said.

The child was playing on the terrace when the incident occurred in the evening. He sustained serious injuries and was taken to a hospital where doctors declared him brought dead, they said.

A case has been registered against the owner of the building, Ramji Lal, who is absconding, they said.

"At around 5 pm, we received a call regarding a building collapse in the Pratap Nagar area. The caller, Santosh Kumar, told police that his son had died," Deputy Commissioner of Police (northeast) Joy Tirkey said.

"The boy was playing on the terrace of the old building when a portion of it collapsed. He was taken to GTB Hospital where he was declared brought dead," the DCP said, adding no construction work was going on.

Kumar and his family were living in the building as tenants while Lal occupied the ground floor, police said.

"A case is being registered against the owner and further investigation is in progress," said the DCP.