Lucknow (PTI): The Uttar Pradesh Police used a picture Shahrukh Khan's character in newly released Hindi film Jawan to send a message of road safety. In a post shared on social media platform 'X' on Saturday UP police wrote in Hindi, "Be it young or old, never forget to wear a helmet before riding a two-wheeler." A picture showing Khan's character in the movie and a helmet was also shared in the post. The Khan's character has his head and half of the face covered in bandage. The post garnered over 1.5 million views and 58K likes till Sunday evening. In the replies to the post, users appreciated the creativity.

One of the users wrote, "A good effort but its impact should reach the ground level." Jawan hit the cinema screen on September 7 with a bumper opening. 


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Mangaluru: Commuters on the National Highway 66 here are struggling with the traffic problems due to the repair work that are going on since Thursday on the old bridge across River Nethravathi near Ullal.

The National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) has permitted light motor vehicle drivers to use the new bridge on the eastern end, which is a one-way route from Mangaluru to Kerala. To ease the traffic movement on the eastern side of the bridge, the Mangaluru Traffic Police has, on a temporary basis, made it a two-way stretch.

Mangaluru City Police Commissioner Anupam Agrawal, admitted that the slow movement of vehicles on the bridge is on account of the repair work and clarified that the work is expected to continue for 10 days. He also confirmed that the traffic police were regulating and temporarily allowing two-way traffic movement on the eastern side bridge to allow smooth traffic flow especially during peak hours.

The NHAI had also responded to a viral video of a pothole on the NH 66 to highlight the poor state of the roads by getting the pothole filled up. The road users had complained of car tyres bursting and the vehicles getting damaged on account of major potholes on the highway, where iron rods were also seen protruding, leading the NHAI to take action in the matter.