Last-mile connectivity is vital for popularizing India's rich history of Buddha circuit, said President Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday, emphasizing that "we need to overcome the bottlenecks so that heritage tourism is utilised to its full potnetial."
A personal security officer of Union Minister Uma Bharti has died after he shot himself with his service revolver on Wednesday night in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. Police said the officer, Rammohan Dauneriya, had committed suicide.
A seven year old boy died after he got stuck in a lift of an apartment located in Vaslane here on Thursday, Aug. 23.
The Indian Army's engineering task force will help the district administration in restoring the severely battered roads in flood-hit Kodagu district, an official said on Thursday.
A headmaster of a school committed suicide by hanging himself in the school leaving a death note at Kammattahalli in the taluk on Thursday.
“My son is an innocent. He has done anything wrong. But he was arrested in the Gauri Lankesh murder case without any valid evidences and torturing him”, said Jayashri, mother of Amith Baddi, one of the accused in the case.
The Goa government will not approach the Supreme Court against the Mhadei inter-state water disputes tribunal's award, for fear of an adverse order, state Water Resources Minister Vinod Palienkar said on Thursday.
The BJP on Thursday warned the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Delhi to implement ePOS syetem (electronic point of sale) for the distribution of ration or else it would initiate a campaign in the national capital to expose the the ration mafias.
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan offered humanitarian assistance to flood-stricken Kerala on Thursday.
Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy and his family members visited temples and mosques including Ajmer Dargah in North India on Thursday and offered special poojas.