Bengaluru: In a distressing development, two young girls named Madiha (13) and Zoha (7) have gone missing from their residence in Kausar Nagar, located on Dinnur Main Road, Bengaluru. The incident occurred on 17th June, 2023.

The concerned parents, are growing increasingly anxious for the safety and well-being of their missing children. They have reached out to the public, urging anyone with information to come forward and assist in locating Madiha and Zoha.

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If anyone has seen or has any information about the whereabouts of the missing girls, they are requested to immediately contact Mohsin at +918105266445. The parents are hopeful that the collective efforts of the community can help bring their beloved daughters back home safely.

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Bengaluru: The Karnataka Examinations Authority has released the syllabus for the Common Entrance Test (CET) to be conducted in 2025 for admission to professional courses including engineering, on its website

Executive Director of KEA, H. Prasanna on Saturday issued a notification, advising students to use the syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology from both First and Second PUC as outlined on the portal.

"This syllabus has been prepared based on the NCRTC syllabus and the textbooks published by the School Education, PUE Department," the announcement read. Furthermore, H. Prasanna explained that it has also been reviewed by subject experts from PU colleges.