Washington DC: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who will be on his first official state visit to the United States from June 21 to 24, following an invitation extended by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, will also be part of dinner hosted by the US President and First lady on June 22 to honour the Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, at least 17 civil society organisations have expressed displeasure over the US president hosting a dinner for the Indian PM and have urged the US President Joe Biden to cancel the dinner invitation to the Indian PM.

According to a report in the Indian American Muslim Council’s (IAMC) official website a coalition of 17 civil rights organisations, including the Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), Hindus for Human Rights , Dalit Solidarity Inc., Genocide Watch and others have released an open letter urging President Joe Biden to reconsider his decision to extend a state dinner invitation to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, due to the steep decline of democratic values and the continuous violation of human rights against minority communities under his regime.

As per the report, In the letter the organisations voice their apprehensions about the involvement of the Modi administration in fostering Hindu extremist mob violence, hate crimes, and hate speech, with a particular focus on the Muslim and Christian communities. They further underscore the enforcement of biased laws designed to curtail the rights of minority groups, hinder religious conversions and interfaith marriages, and curtail freedom of expression, dissent, and assembly., read the report.

Quoting the letter, the report on the IAMC read as follows, “The invitation to Modi as a state guest signals that the US supports India’s crackdown on fundamental democratic rights and emboldens the Modi administration to intensify its anti-democratic agenda,” the letter stated.

In a press statement, Indian American Muslim Council called PM Modi a champion of “Hindutva, a radical-nazi inspired ideology.” The IAMC also highlighted the gesture of inviting Modi for a dinner as an indication of the United States support towards India’s downslide of democracy.

At the same time, researcher and columnist Ashok Swain took to twitter expressing dismay over dinner invitation by Biden wrote, “Biden talks of promoting democracy, but breaks bread with dictators, who destroy democracies! 17 civil society organisations ask Biden to cancel the dinner invitation to Modi.”

Accordingly, 17 organisations namely, Indian American Muslim Council, Hindus for Human Rights, Dalit Solidarity Inc. , World Without Genocide, Intl Defenders Council , Intl Society for Peace and Justice, Genocide Watch, Jubilee Campaign, Asian Children's Education Fellowship, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR, Misión Vida para las Naciones, Church in the Republic of Uruguay, Global Christian Relief, American Sikh Council, Human Rights and Grassroots Development Society, Intl Commission for Dalit Rights, American Muslim Institute, have signed the letter and have urged the US president to reconsider dinner invitation extended to Indian PM Modi.

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New Delhi: According to The Indian Express, a doctoral research proposal on the ethnography and politics of Kashmir, which referenced American linguist Noam Chomsky's criticism of the NDA government, has resulted in a show-cause notice for a PhD scholar and a disciplinary inquiry for his supervisor at South Asian University (SAU).

Days after the disciplinary inquiry was initiated, Sasanka Perera, a founding member of the Sociology department at SAU and a sociology professor, resigned from the varsity. The PhD scholar has since apologized to the university administration for any offense caused.

Perera, a cultural anthropologist with a Master's and a PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara, held several positions at SAU, including Chairman of the Department of Sociology, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, and Vice President. Prior to joining SAU, he spent 20 years at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and was the Founding Chairman of the Colombo Institute for Advanced Study of Society and Culture.

SAU has denied that the PhD proposal triggered Perera's resignation but did not clarify what was objectionable in the proposal. According to university rules, a PhD student must seek approval from the supervisor, the Dean, and/or the Department Board of Studies before commencing fieldwork. The proposal in question was forwarded to the Dean after being approved by the supervisor, but only after a show-cause notice dated May 9 was issued to the student.

The letter pointed out that the cited video was a private YouTube video from 2021, uploaded in 2022 by the scholar. In the video, Chomsky spoke critically about the Modi government. Explanations were requested from the student and the supervisor for selecting that particular topic. The student responded with an apology and took down the video on May 15. An inquiry committee was subsequently formed to investigate the role of the supervisor and the motive behind the proposal.

Amidst all this, Perera submitted his resignation from the university. SAU, which is sponsored by eight SAARC countries and under the Ministry of External Affairs, recently appointed K K Aggarwal as its president after the post had remained vacant for four years.

Responding to questions from The Indian Express, SAU stated that disciplinary action was taken based on the SAARC Intergovernmental Agreement, Rules, Regulations, and Bye-Laws. The inquiry is still pending.